Meet Our Family

Mean Eye

The oldest adult female, Mean Eye was a very stately macaque. Old enough to no longer have infants of her own, she was viewed as sort of the grandmother of the troop. Although she was groomed by most of the other adult females and juveniles, she was often seen sitting by herself on the side of the troop. Mean Eye had very little tolerance for infants and juveniles approaching her, often sending them screaming with a slap. However, with the untimely disappearance of Bella, she became the primary caregiver for Bubby, Bella’s orphan.

Unfortunately, a few short months later, Bubby was killed in a road accident, and after that happened Mean Eye stopped eating and socializing. Two weeks later, she was no longer seen in the troop and is presumed to have passed away.

Mean Eye


Until her untimely disappearance from the troop in October 2021, Blondie was the alpha female of Dam. She was regal and usually calm. She rarely partook in aggressive encounters and spent a lot of her time staying vigilant for conflict with humans and other troops. She was most often seen in the company of Bella, another high-ranking female (presumably her sister), and Mean-Eye. She was an attentive mother and we observed her behavior to change with the loss of her infants – she became more aggressive towards lower ranking females and stayed on the periphery of the troop after losing her son, Bono. In 2021, she gave birth to a still birth infant whose corpse she carried and groomed for several days. Afterwards, she stayed on the periphery of the group and avoided other group members for a few weeks.



Bella was a “mean girl” – pretty and aggressive. She was a high-ranking female who also disappeared from the troop at the same time as Blondie. Irrespective of age and gender, Bella has been seen to threaten and push or slap all individuals in the troop except Blondie. She was definitely a force not to be reckoned with! Bella was the only adult female in the troop who has been observed to threaten passing tourists if they were too close to other individuals.

Despite all of her aggressive behavior, she was one of the best mothers in the troop. Her infants were always well cared for, and never allowed to venture very far with Bella’s grip on their tails. Before her death, she was often seen in the company of Marley, a young juvenile female who would provide care for Bubby, Bella’s infant in 2021.



Named for her characteristic Yoda-like ears, Yoda is a high-ranking female in the Dam troop. Infamous for her carelessness with her own infants, Yoda is well known to bully other adult females as well as younger juveniles. She is part of the younger group of adult females in the troop and is perhaps the only one to have not had an infant survive past three months. She is one of the more active females in the troop and is often in the company of one or more of the adult males.



Kala was one of the more central females in the troop and was almost always found grooming someone. She was easily identified by her distinct hairstyle and snout. Unfortunately, Kala disappeared from the troop in November 2022, leaving behind her daugther, Katara. Kala was a very patient and careful mother with all her infants. Kola, a sub-adult female and Katara are Kala’s two surviving children.



Jane is slenderly built and has sharp, angular features and is identified by her distinctive elf-like ears. This characteristic feature has been passed on to her sons, Jaguar and Jude, who both died likely due to anthropogenic causes. Usually calm and unperturbed, Jane became more aggressive after the birth of her son Jude in the 2021 birth season. After Jude’s death in 2022, she was seen on the group periphery, isolating herself from the rest. Now a high-ranking female, she often forages alone but prefers to sleep in the company of a few favorite females.
