
Bonnet macaque infantsFemale Tess with infant Truffle from Dam groupSubadult female Merlin in Dam groupMale Pirate grooming male VictorFemale Funny Nose with infant in Dam groupFemale Kim with infant Kaya and juvenileFemale Bella from Dam groupunknown 11Juveniles sleepingunknown 28Sleeping malesFemale Pinduli from Eco groupFemales from Dam group sleeting togetherunknown 26Male Frodo from Dam groupunknown 15unknown 19Female Ashoka from Dam groupunknown 6Male Howard from Dam groupunknown 4Female Scarlet feeding on flowersBonnet macaque infantunknown 9Infant from Eco on motorbikeunknown 27Juvenile female Brave resting on carunknown 16unknown 7Juvenile female BraveSubadult male InoMale Frodo showing threat expressionMale Howard from Dam groupunknown 17unknown 21unknown 12View on hanging bridgeunknown 1unknown 25InfantsFemale Fanny grooming juvenileInfant BernieSleeping adult males from Dam groupJuvenile from Eco groupunknown 10unknown 24unknown 3Infant BernieFemale Amy from Eco groupunknown 18unknown 22unknown 23Male unknownFemale Spikey with infant in Eco groupFemale Kim with newborn infant Kayaunknown 20unknown 8unknown 29unknown 13unknown 5unknown 2unknown 14Funny Nose with infant from Dam groupFemales in Dam group

The Thenmala Macaque Project is a study of bonnet macaque (Macaca radiata) population in India. The project is based at the Institute of Human Biology and Evolution, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Our work is carried out in collaboration with the University of Mysore (India) and University of California Davis (USA).

The aim of the Thenmala Macaque Project is to carry out research in behavioral ecology and conservation science. In addition to investigating the social dynamics and behavior of individuals, we are also interested in the effects of complex social structure and anthropogenic habitat on population dynamics and extinction.

The field work is carried out in Thenmala, Kerala, a part of the Western Ghats, in southern India. The study site consists of both human settlements and forest areas. From 2019 – 2022, we focused on maternal care and personality development, and worked with two troops comprising around 80 individually recognized macaques in total. Data collection on this aspect of the project is now complete, and we are currently in the process of publishing our results, which you can find in our News section.

Since 2022, we have shifted our focus to studying affiliative behavior and relationships between male bonnet macaques. Our main goal is to investigate how social bonds between males affect their mating success as well as their health.

Research permission in India is kindly provided by the National Biodiversity Authority and the Kerala Forest Department.